BoardBot is...

Open Source

The software and hardware are available online, with permissive licenses.

Built by Olin Students

Handmade with ♥ by a team of students at Olin College of Engineering.

Not IoT

We pride ourselves by not pushing a half-baked IoT solution just because we can.

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Meet the Team

Adam Novotny

Adam is a leet hacker by day and asleep by night. He is a professional barista and likes long walks on the beach.

Alex Core

Alex is from Cincinnati, Ohio. His hobbies include cooking, reading, unusual movies, and interesting sleep schedules. His main focus was mechanical design and eating food.

Evan Lloyd New-Schmidt

Born and raised on the Central Coast of California, Evan is constantly impressed by snow and all things weather-related. He likes photography, cardboard, and overanalyzing most things. Evan has enjoyed contributing to mechanical, electrical, design, and meta aspects of the BoardBot experience.

Ian Paul

Ian is bad at everything he does, including but not limited to electrical and computer engineering. His goal on this project was to learn how to write embedded software and for some definitions of learn he succeeded.

Jared Briskman

Jared aims to be an infinite tin of low-quality spackle. He has been a card-carrying whiteboard enthusiast since the tender age of eleven.